Accelerating the Maritime Fuel Transition


Pre Conference Symposium
8 October

Pre-Conference Symposium: Navigating Digitalisation, Emissions Control and Standards


Adrian Tolson, Vice Chair, IBIA; Owner, 2050 Marine Energy 

Marine Fuel Standards
9.00am - 9.15am

Driving the Maritime Fuel Transition and Digitalisation through Standards 


Capt. Rahul Choudhuri, Chair (Ambient Liquid Fuels) - Technical Committee for Bunkering  
9.15am - 10.05am

Standards Committee & Industry Interface on Developments Work, and Application of Standards

○ New Standard on Specification for digital bunkering supply chain documentation (1H 2024) 
○ Enhanced testing measures for bunker fuel quality assurance (1 June 2024) 
○ Development of alternative bunker fuels standards (by 2025)
○ Development of national standard for marine biofuel in complement t revised ISO 8217


Calvin Lee, Deputy Director (Standards & Investigation - Marine Fuel) - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore 


Dennis Ho, Co-Convenor - Working Group on Electronic Documentation for Bunkering, Singapore 
Capt. K. K. Mukherjee, Convenor - Working Group on Methanol Bunkering, Singapore 
Capt. Rahul Choudhuri, Chair (Ambient Liquid Fuels) - Technical Committee for Bunkering  
Saunak Rai, Chair (Cryogenic and Gaseous Fuels) - Technical Committee for Bunkering 
10.05am - 10.15am

Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA) Pledge Signing 

10.15am - 10.35am

Networking Tea Break 

Digital Bunkering
10.35am - 10.55am

Digital Deliveries and E-Bunker Delivery Note (eBDN) in Practice 

○ Update from industry work groups pilot projects 
Next steps in meeting the challenges 
Integration of eBDN system into backend workflows 


○ Kenneth Juhis, Managing Director, ZeroNorth Bunker - ZeroNorth
10.55am - 11.15am

Digitally Enhancing Mass Flow Meter (MFM) Bunker Operations 

○ Real time data collection and safeguards to manage risks in transactions 
Limiting malpractice through robust digital monitoring in MFM bunker operations 
Producing valuable analysis via artificial intelligence 


Daryl Lim, Quality Manager - Metcore International Pte Ltd
11.15am - 11.35am

Accelerating the Digitalised LNG Bunkering Process 

○ Providing assurance of process integrity and data transparency 
○ Bridging the data communications gap
○ Streamlined operations and increased savings


○  Martin Wold, Head of FuelBoss - DNV
Emissions Management
11.35am - 12.05pm

Strategising for the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and FUelEU Maritime 

○ Interpreting the key components of EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime 
○ Emissions monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) for different fuels, and penalties 
○ impact on fuel prices, operations and charterparties
○ What this could mean for the fuel mix 


Ilias Soultanias, Manager, Global Sustainability - ABS
12.05pm - 12.25pm

Opportunities and Challenges in Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage

○ Onboard capture Liquefied CO2 (LCO2) offloading concepts 
○ Design and operational standards  
○ Manpower competency and safety considerations 
○ Readiness of current infrastructure and regulatory landscape 


○ Koh Eng Kiong, Director, Projects - Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation 
12.25pm - 1.10pm

Claims and Compensations in an incident

○ Assessing the damage and technical merits of claims 
○ Insurance coverage limits and the concern for smaller vessels
○ "Polluter pays" principle and the right of recourse - key challenges in determining liability and apportioning costs among responsible parties 
○ How can industry stakeholders collaborate in enhancing best practices for insurance coverage and claims handling?


Leong Kah Wah, Legal & Insurance Committee Chair - Singapore Shipping Association 


○ Ahmad Nazri, Regional Response Manager, APAC - Oil Spill Response Limited 
○ Tony Paulson, Head of Asia, West P&I; Chair, Pollution Committee - International Group of P&I Clubs 

End of Pre-Conference Symposium 

Main Conference
9 October

9.00am - 9.10am

Opening Address by Guest of Honour

9.10am - 9.20am

Photo-taking with Maritime Energy Training Facility (METF) Partners 

9.20am - 9.50am

Oil Major Keynotes 

9.20am - 9.35am

Global Energy Markets Outlook 

○ Outlook for demand and supply of energy commodities
○ Impact of geopolitical risks and international developments
○ Energy transition scenarios and implications for shipping


○ Eugene Leong, Country president and CEO of trading & shipping – Asia-Pacific & Middle East - bp

9.35am - 9.50am

Transforming Energy for Shipping 

○ Supporting shipping’s commitment to reducing its emissions impact
Developing markets for next generation, lower-emission fuels
Technological pathways to decarbonisation
Enabling cross-sector partnerships to drive energy transformation


○ Geraldine Chin, Chairman and Managing Director - ExxonMobil Asia Pacific
9.50am - 10.40am

Opening of Exhibition & Networking Tea Break

10.40am - 11.30am

Keynote panel: 

Viewing Energy Transition through the Lens of Shipping 

○ Current fuels marketplace
Working with the 2023 IMO GHG strategy goals 
○ Singapore's role, and plans to stay competitive


Sarah Greenough, Head of Maritime Enterprise - BHP 


Capt. Chubasco Monteiro, Deputy Chief Executive Officer - Pacific Carriers Limited 
Farid Trad, Vice President of Bunkering and Energy Transition - CMA CGM 
Mike Muller, Chief Executive Officer - Vitol Asia 
Marine Fuels - The Here and Now
11.30am - 12.15pm

International Trade and Fuel Market Trends  

○ Global trade - growth, challenges and changes 
Impact on bunker supply and demand in major ports 
○ Drivers behind changing shipping and bunker procurement patterns 
○ Expected growth across marine fuels markets 


○ Andrew Wilson, Head of Research - BRS Shipbrokers 


Anders Grønborg, Chief Executive Officer - KPI OceanConnect 
Emma Mazhari, Chief Executive Officer, Maersk Oil Trading; Vice President, Head of Energy Markets, A.P. Moller – Maersk 
Kenneth Dam, Global Head of Bunkering - TFG Marine 
Ong Shwu Hoon, Asia Pacific Fuels Vice President - ExxonMobil Asia Pacific 
12.15pm - 1.00pm

Fuel Oil Markets - Projections and Supply Chain Resilience 


A look at the wider fuel oil market and prices   
HSFO volumes and why the continued traction  
Current supply chain scenarios and options 
Managing emerging financial and compliance risks 


Sushant Gupta, Research Director – Asia Pacific, Refining and Oils Market - Wood Mackenzie 


Jens Maul Jørgensen, Director of Bunkers - Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG. 
Kenny MacLean, Chief Operating Officer - Peninsula 
Tyler Baron, Chief Executive Officer - Minerva Bunkering
1.00pm - 2.00pm


2.00pm - 2.45pm

Bunker Quality Dialogue - Prioritising Traceability and Transparency


○ Global fuel quality discrepancies and causes in oil bunkers 
○ Managing transparency and traceability challenges 
○ Ensuring integrity of sampling process 
○ Disputes, resolution, and learnings 


Paul Collier, Partner (Energy, Marine and Natural Resources) - Clyde & Co 


Constantinos Capetanakis, Bunker Director, Star Bulk; Chair - IBIA
Elfian Harun, Regional Manager Southeast Asia & Environment Manager - INTERTANKO   
Michael Green, Senior Quality Manager, Marine Technical - World Fuel Services 
Capt. Rahul Choudhuri, President Strategic Partnerships - VPS 
2.45pm - 3.30pm

Setting Sail with Biofuels 


○ Current market share, future availability and growth potential 
○ Impact of EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime on demand and supply 
○ Operational adjustments needed for a seamless transition 
○ Managing quality, integrity and traceability of supply chain 


Shen Tao, Director of Global Sustainability - Eastern Hemisphere - ABS 


Andrew Brueckner, Global Head of Marine - Distillates Trading and Origination - bp 
François-Xavier Accard, Managing Director - CMA CGM International Shipping Company Pte Ltd   
Jesper Sørensen, Global Head of Alternative Fuels & Carbon Markets - KPI OceanConnect 
Kenneth Widell, General Manager Research Coordination & Funding - Wärtsilä 
3.30pm - 4.00pm

Networking Tea Break 

4.00pm - 4.45pm

Enabling the Alternative Fuels Market 


○ The financer's perspective  
○ Green shipping corridors and industry collaborations  
○ Investment appetite of shipowners for newbuilds and vessel conversions 
○ What's needed in storage and bunkering infrastructure?
○ Crewing and operational considerations 


Adrian Tolson, Vice Chair, IBIA; Owner - 2050 Marine Energy 


Barend van Schalkwyk, Business Development Director - Marine - OCI HyFuels 
Chu Kheng Sin, Managing Director and Regional Head Transportation Finance - Standard Chartered Bank 
○ Nirva Ghelani, Lead Principal, Sustainability and Maritime Decarbonisation - BHP 
Susana Germino, Chief Sustainability & Energy Transition Officer - Swire Shipping & Swire Bulk 

The SIBCON Party  

Main Conference
10 October

Impacting Net Zero Ambitions
9.00am - 9.30am

Committing to a Just and Equitable Energy Transition in Shipping 

○ Overview of the IMO Revised GHG Strategy, EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime
○ Fuel and technological pathways to reduce emissions 
○ Economic implications and opportunities for shipowners 
○ Collaborate approaches between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies 


Kitack Lim, Secretary-General Emeritus - International Maritime Organization
○ Maja Markovčić Kostelac, Executive Director - European Maritime Safety Agency
9.30am - 9.50am

Industry Address: Challenges and Opportunities in a Multifuel Industry 

○ Understanding today's multifuel landscape and their GHG performance in shipping 
○ How are regulations shaping the market
○ Current investment in alternatives and fuel tech, and what it means for future opportunities 
○ Considerations in planning your fuel mix 


Stéphane Basset-Chercot, Deputy Vice President, Aviation & Marine Fuels - TotalEnergies
9.50am - 10.35am

Fuel Price Projections and Impact on the Multifuel Marketplace

○ Interplay in energy prices and drivers for marine fuels 
Projecting prices for conventional and alternative fuel types 
○ Impact of carbon pricing regimes 
What this means for fuel decision timeframes and fuel mix 


Choong Zhen Mao, Executive Director - Equatorial Marine Fuel Management Services 
Kasper Sorensen, General Manager – Bunkers - Hafnia
Margaux Moore, Head of Energy Transition Group and Venture Investments - Trafigura 
10.35am - 11.15am

Networking Tea Break

11.15am - 12.00pm

LNG and its Place in the Global Marine Fuels Market 

○ Orderbook, infrastructure and trade route development 
○ LNG Supply outlook and price projections in a changing market 
LNG emissions profile and solutions 
○ Scaling up Bio-LNG-evaluating the longevity in the market 


Mark Bell, General Manager - Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 


Chia Yujin, Head of Sustainability, Decarbonisation & Marine Fuels - Pacific International Lines
President - Shell Marine 
Malcolm Lim, Head of Singapore Hub Division - Pavilion Energy 
○ Nacho de Miguel, Head of LNG, Alternative Fuels & Sustainability - Peninsula 
12.00pm - 12.45pm

Is Methanol Heading for the Mainstream?

○ Assessing demand drivers for the growing orderbook of newbuilds and retrofits 
○ Is global bunkering infrastructure and methanol production keeping pace? 
○ Tackling the green fuels price gap 
○ Developments in standards and fuel specifications and its impact 
○ Strategies to ensure transparency and quality 


Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, VP, Regional Manager Southeast Asia, Pacific & India, Maritime -  DNV  


Dr. Alexandra Ebbinghaus, General Manager, Decarbonisation - Shell Marine 
Claudia Beumer, Membership and Communications Manager - The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 
Kelvin Kang, General Manager - Stellar Shipmanagement 
Capt. Vijayachelvan Silva Raju, Head of Global Operations - X-Press Feeders 
12.45pm - 1.45pm


1.45pm - 2.30pm

Harnessing Ammonia as a Marine Fuel

○ The state of development in specifications and standards 
○ Addressing supply security and infrastructure 
○ Crew readiness in safe handling, risk mitigation and emergency response protocols 
○ Quality and traceability through chain of custody  
○ The role of green ammonia and hydrogen in meeting the net-zero challenge  


James Forsdyke, Managing Director, Maritime Decarbonisation Hub - Lloyd's Register 


Andrew Hoare, Head of Fortescue Marine Systems and Green Shipping - Fortescue 
Glen Davenport, Vice President of Technical and Operations - Vopak Terminals Singapore 
○ Takahiro Rokuroda, General Manager of Next Generation Fuel Business Group - NYK Line 
○ Tessa Major, Vice President Bunkering – Port Relationships and Regulations - Yara Clean Ammonia
Delivering the Singapore Vision
2.30pm - 3.10pm

SIBCON Innovation Showcase


2.30pm - 2.50pm

Accelerating Maritime Decarbonisation by deploying Drop-In-Bio Fuels for a Smoother Transition to Net Zero


Dr. Hanson Lee, Chief Executive Officer - Green COP

2.50pm - 3.10pm

Empowering Shipping through Voyage Optimisation 


Kenneth Juhls, Managing Director, ZeroNorth Bunker - ZeroNorth
3.10pm - 3.45pm

Networking Tea Break 

3.45pm - 4.30pm

MPA and Industry Dialogue on the Singapore Road Map for Clean Fuels and Digitalisation

○ What next for Digitalisation and Decarbonisation plans?
○ Port of Singapore's multi-fuel strategy to 2030 
○ Attracting investments to increase supply of alternative bunker fuels 


Caroline Yang, President, Singapore Shipping Association; Vice Chair - International Chamber of Shipping  


Choong Sheen Mao, Chief Operating Officer - Equatorial Marine Fuel Management Services
Choy Sauw Kook, Director-General, Quality & Excellence - Enterprise Singapore 

New Wei Siang, Director (Maritime Decarbonisation & Net-Zero Pathways) - Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore 
Stanley Teo, Vice President, Business Development, Asia & Oceania - Advario

End of SIBCON 2024 

Site Tour
11 October

Details to be updated